Like it or not, Delphi is the best development tool for Win32/Win64 but Embarcadero seems to ignore the fact. Someone could say that the baby is being thrown out with the bathwater and after all, when they realize the error will be too late.
The fate of Delphi is increasingly linked to the acclaimed FireMonkey technology. Concerns about FireMonkey are concerns about Delphi. Embarcadero beyond thinking who owns the Pascal, persists in pushing your fancy half-assed multi-platform write-once run-anywhere, in reality, is that you can write once and then run it in any platforms each "supported". For example, you develop for Android "some " Androids.
This is my space for outburst. Now, talking about SMS. Smart Mobile Studio was created with Delphi. The tool lets you instantly convert Pascal "Delphi-like" javascript code to native code. The interesting part is that the generated code (pure javascript) is ready to run on smart phones. In order to demonstrate the functionality of this greate tool, I've created a DBGrid with pictures in SmartMS. Nice photos, ehm. doncha think?
Noteworthy is that you can call javascript event handlers using object pascal . Thus, you could make a sort of binding between components of a javascript library and the native components SmartMS thus being able to create more sophisticated apps. This is warleyalex from Seven Lakes, Brazil. Stay tuned on upcoming videos about SmartMS.
Tags: OP4JS; Smart Mobile Studio; SmartMS with DBGrid.
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