domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013

Delphi + ExtJS + Firebird = CRUD

POST #012 ========================================================================
Delphi XE introduced the ability to build DataSnap servers to work with an HTTP REST interface.
On client side, there's a powerful framework called ExtJS.
I would like to make CRUD operations (create, Read, Update, Destroy) using these outstanding technologies.

So I've decided to mix {Delphi + Firebird + ExtJS 4+} up to see what would happen. I've looking for a trully RAD tool that would save me the time to develop a thin client JS, to create user interface and so on, I've found a tool called Sencha Architect, I love the way straightforward and sturdy you can do something with this tool, you can invoke remote methods from Delphi using REST interface. That's so beautiful.

warleyalex from Seven Lakes, Brazil.

Tags: crud with delphi and extjs; sencha architect with datasnap; crud com datasnap and extjs;

Um comentário:

  1. Really exciting concept, and looks like a great solution - many thanks for posting.

    Hooking up the web client to the Delphi REST application was a little unclear - but I think I got the idea.

