domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

Delphi mORMot - My Custom 404 error page

POST #026 =======================================================================
Welcome back. Delphi mORMot server will typically generate a error "Not Found" when you attempt to follow a dead link, this message indicates that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested.

I would like to display a customised 404 error page, including a more "friendly" message that work in no-script browsers. This is for browsers that do not understand JavaScript can be redirected to special pages that do not expect users to support JavaScript.

I'm using meta refresh tag <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=/root/">
to auto redirect page. Concerning absolute URIs in redirects, I don't know if this method is the best approach for redirection, but anyway, this is another story. So please stay tuned on upcoming videos. Thank you very much for listening, I'm warleyalex, and you take care.

Tags: Delphi mORMot URI redirection; Custom 404 error page; auto redirect page.

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013

Smart Mobile Studio (Delphi for Javascript) - calendar widget

POST #025 =======================================================================
Welcome back, everyone. This is warleyalex. Playing with SMS - Smart Mobile Studio (AKA Object Pascal for Javascript). SmartMS instantly convertes pascal Delphi-like language into pure JavaScript. The code generated is ready to run on your iPhone or any HTML5 web-kit device. The idea here, in this mini video was demonstrate some SmartMS built-in datetime functions. As you know, since delphi and javascript deal with dates quite differently, this probably is an issue. I’m having a hard time to add an animation feature in Smart, but this is for the next video. So please stay tuned on upcoming videos. Thank you very much for listening, I'm warleyalex, and you take care.

Tags: Delphi for javascript; Object Pascal for Javascript; Smart Mobile Studio with jQuery.